Turn paper plates upside down. Color one of them brown and color the center of another one with the peach crayon.
Using the pattern, cut Rudolph’s ears from brown paper and glue or tape them to the back of the brown paper plate. Glue a large red glittery pom-pom to the center of the plate. Use a dark pink crayon to color circles for rosy cheeks. Use a black marker to add eyes, eyebrows and a smile. Cut the collar from red paper and glue or tape at the bottom, attaching it to the back of the plate. String ribbon through the jingle bell and tie in a knot. Trim excess and glue or tape to the collar.
To make the antlers you will need 3 brown pipe cleaners for each antler. Bend one pipe cleaner in half. Cut two pipe cleaners in half and then bed those in half. Twist the smaller pipe cleaners around the larger pipe cleaner, two on the left and two on the right. Repeat these steps for the second antler. Glue glittery pom-poms to the antlers and glue the antlers to the back of the paper plate.
Using the pattern, cut Santa’s hat from red paper and glue it to the top of the plate with the peach center. Glue a white pom-pom to the end of the hat. Glue a glittery red pom-pom to the center of the plate. Use black marker to draw eyes and eyebrows. Use pink crayon to color circles for rosy cheeks. Use white craft glue to cover the outer areas of the plate with cotton balls to create the brim for the hat and Santa’s beard.
Using the pattern, cut the snowman’s hat from a light blue paper and glue it to the top of the plain paper plate. Cut the snowman’s nose from orange paper and glue it to the center of the paper plate. Colors a circle with dark pink crayon to create a rosy cheek. Use a black marker to draw eyes, eyebrows and a smile. Use white craft glue to attach cotton balls for the hat brim. Glue a pom-pom to the end of the hat.