I was walking through Michaels a few weeks ago and saw these really pretty glitter pillar candles. Moments later I saw they had some bird cages on sale. Score! I knew exactly what I was going to do with them, but they didn’t have any white glitter candles. There was gold, red, and silver, but I really thought white would look better. So it was time for a quick project.
I’m going to start off by saying that I used real candles. Exercise caution. Keep them high enough that small children can’t reach them and don’t put them near something that could catch on fire. There are some questions and answers at the bottom of this post, but please, just use common sense and if you aren’t comfortable with lit candles, display them without lighting them. An alternative is to buy LED flameless candles (pictured above), which are available at Michaels and online at Amazon, here’s an example.
Back in September I spotted this cool bird cage set up on Country Living with candles in varying heights. I had shared it on my Facebook page (below) and have had it in the back of my mind ever since. On that Facebook post one of the CBA readers mentioned that Michaels had bird cages. So the moment I saw the candles I was on a mission to find the bird cages!
I found two that I liked, but the one from Country Living is considerably larger as you can see it holds about twice the candles mine does. I love the way mine turned out, I think it looks absolutely stunning!
I’ve kind of been in the Christmas mood ever since late October when I participated in the Michaels Dream Tree Challenge with several other bloggers. You can see my tree here. They asked me to share a Christmas project, so when I found the candles and cages in the store I knew this would be the one I would share!
This is super simple and requires almost no crafting skills. Just find some bird cages and put candles inside. Simple!
By the way, if you’re liking this so far, you can click to tweet this post to your friends, family and followers! :)
The white cage actually came with some fake greenery tied on top (see photo above). It didn’t take long for the flames from the candles to start melting the greenery. So that had to go! Again, if you use flameless candles this won’t be an issue.
I’m glad I took it off as the top of the cage is quite pretty and ornate.
To glitter a candle is simple. You need adhesive spray and glitter. That’s it. You could probably use glue if applied thin, or Mod Podge, but I read on a few blogs that it was considerably messy. The adhesive spray works great.
Just spray the outside of the candle and cover it in glitter.
Two questions that will most likely be asked are:
1) Isn’t the spray adhesive flammable? Should I avoid spraying the wick?
A: The spray adhesive is flammable while being sprayed. Once you have sprayed your candle and applied the glitter it’s fine and no longer flammable.
2) Does the glitter cause any problems with the candle burning?
A: I’ve had my candles burning for the last hour and there’s been no effect on the glitter or the flame.
Something I DID notice is that after about an hour the very top of the inside of the bird cage was getting black. The flames on the candles were pretty tall as you can see from the pictures, so I trimmed the wicks and that seemed to help considerably.
Just exercise caution and never leave candles unattended!
I hope you enjoyed this post and it inspires you to create something similar! If you like, you can click to tweet this post to your friends. :)
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Gabriel Rhoads says
Wow, I should do this with 3 different scented candles! I wonder which three to use…
Pat says
I absolutely love your projects!!!!! I was wanting to do something different this year for the holidays. I don’t have a lot of money but you have so many ideas that I can put my own twist on a few things I really want to do!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!?
Amanda Formaro says
That’s awesome Pat, so glad you found some ideas!! :)
Shaina says
These turned out so cute, and I love that the birdcage protects the flames a bit. This is great for those of us who might want to light candles but are always a bit worried about the “what ifs.”
Amanda Formaro says
Thanks Shaina! I love the way they look :)
susan says
Beautiful , just beautiful!
Amanda Formaro says
Thank you Susan!
Cindy says
A great flameless candle option is Luminara sold at QVC.com. They have a realistic flickering faux flame, a timer, and will work with a remote control.
Amanda Formaro says
Thanks for sharing Cindy!
Sandy says
I’m with Cecilia…..!!!
Amanda Formaro says
Thanks Sandy!
Cecilia says
The bird cage filled with candles is very very very pretty! :)
Good inspiration….
Amanda Formaro says
Thanks so much Cecelia, glad you like it!