First of all, this is a rare occasion. I’m a bit timid about my size, I’m overweight and very self conscious about it, so showing a picture of me like this is not something I really like to do. But this snowman shirt was too fun not to model. I should have bought a better quality shirt that didn’t look like I was wearing a tent, but hey… it is what it is. Oh, and did I mention I don’t have make up on and haven’t even showered yet? Just so you know.
Now that I’ve gotten all that out of the way, let me tell you about this shirt, or better yet, the cool glitter sheets I used to make it. I was asked to try out the new Tulip® Fashion Glitter™ Shimmer Transfer Sheets. Honestly I’ve been wracking my brain for an idea for a couple of weeks. I was really getting discouraged. You see, I don’t use glitter a lot, and my daughter is 17, so not in the glitter stage anymore. With it being the holidays though, I was thinking of making a banner or bunting or something similar when this snowman idea just struck me. I had seen a similar shirt for sale in some catalog that came in the mail and thought it was really cute. So cool, the idea was set. I hit Walmart and bought a cheap sweatshirt.
They also have Tulip® Fashion Glitter™ Shimmer Fabric Paint which I haven’t tried yet, but have a project in mind for. :) Hopefully I’ll get that done in the next couple of days and share that too.
I must say these sheets are totally rockin’ cool! I love how easy these are to use and how the results are absolutely immediate. FUN! Couldn’t you see this cute snowman on a pillow? Love! Okay let me show you just how easy these are to use. Then you can get some for yourself!
First off, if you have a cutting machine like a Cricut or a Silhouette, these sheet will work in it. However, I haven’t tried it so I don’t have any advice for you. I know that Becky over at Infarrantly Creative used them in hers, so you can check out her project and tips for using a cutter here. Anyway, for my project, I just drew my pieces to create my own patterns. I used a paint bottle to create the round eyes, and freehanded the mouth and nose. Can you tell that I used red for the nose? I think it looks dark orange. :) Cut out the pattern and place it on top of the glitter sheet. There’s a plastic cover on the glitter and you can draw directly on that, I used a Sharpie. Then cut the pieces out.
For the eyes, I actually found it a lot easier to just cut around my circle pattern rather than tracing. My white paint pen was giving me trouble, so I came up with another solution. I used Aleene’s small glue dots to hold the pattern in place on the plastic. First I did the “no-no” and touched the glue dot so it would lose a bit of its adhesion. After all, these things really work well, so I wanted to be able to remove the pattern and use it a second time. By touching it, they didn’t stick as hard, but still enough to hold the pattern still while I cut around it. I did the same for the smile. I used 4 small dots to hold the pattern in place. The paper did stick a little because of the dots, but it didn’t matter because it stuck to the plastic, which gets removed prior to ironing.
I placed the shirt on the ironing board and positioned the pieces onto the shirt.
Once they were in place, I peeled off the plastic layer. They curl up a little after the plastic is off, but ironing will fix that. :) Place a press cloth over the iron on transfers (I used a cloth napkin) and kept steady pressure while moving the iron back and forth for 40 seconds. I did this in sections.
And that’s it! Cool huh?? Tulip says you can wash the garment, wash it in cold and let it air or line dry. I love my snowman and can see a lot of possibilities with these cool sheets and these fun paints!
I was provided product and a stipend to cover my time and expenses when making this project. Please know that the opinions expressed in this post are honest and 100% mine.
- St. Patrick’s Day Activity Sheets - March 4, 2025
- Watercolor Luminaries - February 11, 2025
- Free Valentine Printables: Cards, toppers, and tags - February 4, 2025
Barbara says
Yes! Don’t be the least bit judgmental of yourself. IF and when you decide to lose a few pounds, then you’ll find the right way – this from someone who still has the 50 pounds I gained after my husband left me!
Anyway, how do I get your pattern. I’m about to open my new Cricut; I’m the type of crafter that prefers patterns.
Amanda Formaro says
Hi Barbara! Thanks for your kind words :) I’m sorry I don’t actually have a pattern. I just freehanded them and cut them out
Donna says
Love the sweatshirt! I’m going to make it! Seems like the nose material would be a great pumpkin too!
Amanda Formaro says
Yes, that would be great for a pumpkin!
carol says
How cute…Wish I would of seen this before Christmas..Never heard of glitter paper .Will have to have a look. And you look fab Modeling.. Happy Happy
Kathryn says
Super cute shirt and I think the shirt being a bit oversized makes it even cuter and you look fine. I hate that the media has warped our minds into thinking if we don’t look like hussied up 12 year old (like many models do) we are not attractive as it is simply not true.
Holly says
This is such a wonderful idea!! I had not heard of that and I’m going to go and look for it now!
You are much too hard on yourself – you are beautiful!!
Amanda Formaro says
Aww thanks Holly!
Emily says
This is the cutest Christmas apparel idea I’ve seen all season! Thanks for sharing! Fantastic! Merry Christmas!
Amanda Formaro says
Thanks so much Emily!
maggy,red ted art says
Brilliant! Aren’t the simplest ideas the best???
Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!
April K says
I love this! I can see doing a big snowflake design with blue on white or white on blue. I feel a Christmas break craft with my kiddos coming on. And you look great in your pic. Don’t you know all good cooks have a few extra pounds?!?! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Barbara "Cookie" says
I love,love this.And hon,don’t worry about your size I’m big but if people don’t enjoy my personality their loss,,lol,lol, Keep up good work ….”Cookie’
Amanda Dunne says
Love the shirt. Thanks for being so brave to model it. You look great in it (and so will I when I make one too).
Amanda Formaro says
Thank you Amanda! :)
Sunny C says
Hey Amanda; I Love the Snowman!!! You look Beautiful!! You do NOT look overweight at all.
Just because you are not a size 3, does not mean that you are over weight. You look comfortable, and Beautiful.
Merry Christmas!!!! :-)
Amanda Formaro says
Aww thanks so much Sunny, so nice of you to say!
Cindy deRosier says
I LOVE it! And you are a lovely model. I really enjoy seeing the face behind the name.
Amanda Formaro says
Thank you Cindy, so nice of you!
Anke says
I think the shirt turned out great and you look beautiful modeling it! I’m going to look for the glitter sheets, I could think of a lot of different things to do with them. Thanks for sharing!
Amanda Formaro says
I know, so many possibilities! Thank you Anke :)
Carrie says
I used to listen to this lady on the radio who always said:
“don’t point it out to them — odds are – they don’t even notice whatever it is you’re pointing out.”
Once you point it out, that’s all people think about…
Plus, would you talk that way about someone else? So don’t do it about yourself!!!
I love your shirt! You did a great job on it!
Amanda Formaro says
Excellent advice :)
LeAnne says
Wow, this is fabulous! I love it, soooooo cute! TFS!
Amanda Formaro says
Thanks LeAnne!
Lindsay says
Super cute! I’m going to go get some this weekend, thanks for sharing!! :)
Laura@ Ms Smartie Pants says
I know how you feel about being the model thing, but this is too cute not to model! It’s a great idea and it looks great on you!
Amanda Formaro says
Thank you Laura!
Beckie says
Amanda that is sooooo cute. I love his sparkly nose. What a great gift idea or fun for the kids!
Amanda Formaro says
Thanks Beckie!
Marilyn says
Oh so cute! And so is the model, btw!♥♫
Thaydra says
How fun!! I showed it to my daughter (who is 11), and now she wants to make one. It might be a bit late in the game for us to make Christmas themed ones, but I can definitely see this working for Valentine’s Day! Thanks!
Amanda Formaro says
How fun! You guys should make one!
Angie @ Bigbearswife says
haha! I love it! I so want to make one now!
Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl says
Very cute Amanda! I love his quirky smile ;-D
April says
The sweatshirt is ADORABLE, and your picture is cute too! No need to worry. It looks like you are just as wonderful, beautiful, and human, as the rest of us.
Amanda Formaro says
Aww thanks April!
Lindy says
I absolutely love this shirt! You did a fabulous job and you look great modeling it!
Amanda Formaro says
Thanks so much Lindy!