Today I’m sharing a photo memory box I made especially for my daughter. This photo box holds special meaning and a whole lot of love. Let me tell you why.
This is one of many photo project ideas I’ve had over the years.
I haven’t mentioned this here before, but a few weeks before Christmas I had to say goodbye to my friend of fourteen years, my German Shepherd, Angel.
It’s been seven months since I sat on the floor in the vet’s office, her head resting in my lap, whispering softly to her that everything was going to be okay. I think she knew it was time to say goodbye too.
I miss her so much. Angel was my dog. She was the family dog of course, but she hung on my every word and followed me everywhere. My youngest son was only two years old when we brought home that fluffy little six week old puppy. I’ll never forget that sweet little face looking through the fence at me.
But I’m not the only one who misses her, we all do. Every year my daughter would go to the dollar store and buy cone shaped birthday hats and a wrap a present for Angel. She’d put Angel’s hat on her head, Angel didn’t mind one bit.
She’d happily rip open her wrapped present with her teeth and “smile” for the camera. We celebrated fourteen birthdays with her, and I know that was a blessing. A German Shepherd’s lifespan is usually 9-13 years, so we were absolutely blessed to have all 14 of those love filled years.
A week after saying goodbye to my beloved furry friend I went back to the vet to pick up her ashes and memorial box. While I have a remembrance of Angel in my home, my daughter lives on her own now. So I knew she would appreciate having a memory box of her own.
I chose a photo that she had taken with her on Angel’s 12th birthday. The photo has always been a favorite of mine. I painted the box to match my daughter’s furniture and placed some mementos inside the box: a small baggie of ashes, a lock of Angel’s tail hair and an inked paw print taken before we said goodbye.
This project is near and dear to both of our hearts.
You can find out how I made it and get the instructions here.
Goodbye sweet girl. We all miss you. Forever.
RELATED: Years ago a friend of mine was dealing with grief. I made her this dammit doll and she loved it. They were originally designed as a way to relieve stress!
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Heidi says
So sorry for your loss Amanda….I love reading your blogs about your crafts…but ALSO about your life. Thank you so much for sharing. We too lost our little fur baby Lizzie and asking if we are ready to open our hearts to another. Of course there will never be another Lizzie…. as there will never be another Angel for you. Keep us posted!
Thank you!
Heidi Dean
Amanda Formaro says
Thank you Heidi! So sorry for the loss of your Lizzie :(
Sherrie says
What a special project… Thank you for sharing it & your story. Our 10 year old German Shepherd, Koa, passed away suddenly at home with me last month. I’d love to make this & give it to my husband. I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet Angel.
Amanda Formaro says
Aww so sorry about your Koa! :( I hope you enjoy the project. My daughter still has hers and loves it. <3
Lindsay G Whittington says
I’m sorry for your lost its never easy and you will never forget them they are family. And I hope very soon I can make one for me and my two daughters maybe even make it with them. I hope you have a good Christmas and a Happy New year.
Lou Ann says
Thank you for sharing such a private story. The loss of a pet, as those of us that have experienced it knows, is a horrible time. I’m so sorry for your loss, but Angel knew how much she was loved.
Amanda Formaro says
Thank you, Lou Ann. I really appreciate your kind words! :)
Judy says
I am so sorry for your loss. In May of this year we had to say goodbye to my oldest daughter, she was a Shepherd/Lab mix she was 14 and 1/2 and she was our world! She was a family member and we all miss her dearly! I love this idea as my three children would LOVE to make this memento as a tribute to her. Thanks for the wonderful idea
Amanda Formaro says
I’m sorry for your loss as well Judy! I’m so glad you like the project, thank you for your kind words :)
Cindy deRosier says
What a beautiful tribute project! I’m glad you had 14 wonderful years together.
Amanda Formaro says
Thank you Cindy!